Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 22...

Day 22: Jesus came to tell us the truth, so that we could be FREE!

Always remember this: Jesus will NEVER speak to you with condemnation in His voice. He comes to tell us the TRUTH about things, not to condemn us, but so that we can see things for how they are. We can only be free when we are in reality. Good or bad, we will always be free when we see the TRUTH!!! Ask Him to show you the truth about things today. He will. And, oh the joy of Him showing the truth! Nothing beats it! Don't be afraid if Him truth. He wants nothing but GOOD for you. HE IS GOOD.....and there's nothing but GOOD in His heart. He adores you. He wants the best for you. Hear His truth today and be set free.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I've been reading through some of your posts here in December. They are very insightful and full of God. I'm adding you to my blog list. If you haven't come by my Bible Study I would love you to if you have time. My Bible Study is www.adayinthelife-commonground.blogspot.com it's. on my side bar also.
    Blessings to you, this Christmas.
